University of Ghent in China!

I graduated at the University of Ghent in 1973 as master in electronic engineering. I highly appreciate the education I got there to become an engineer. The most important aspect of the 5 years: I learned to learn. We learned not be afraid of anything new; we just delve into it and try to grasp the essence in a short time. That has allowed me to be involved in the most diverse technical sectors. Never being an expert but always good enough to deal with the business and to see the bullet points (and to figure out something does not add up!).
On Sunday 8 September I attended the Chinese Alumni Network of Ghent University Reception at the Embassy of Belgium, hosted by our Belgian Ambassador Michel Malherbe.
From Ghent University I had the pleasure to meet Professor Paul Van Cauwenberge, vice-chancellor of Ghent University,  Professor Dr. Luc François and Luc Taerwe, Ph.D. (Faculty of Engineering and Architecture).
There was also a speech by professor Tang Huajun, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and alumnus of the university.

See my picture with the Rector!
I guess I will be probably the oldest alumnus in Beijing… And now I finally also have a pin of Universiteit Gent!
Domien Proost is the Representative of East Flanders & Ghent University China Platform in Beijing. The University is very active in China and has several agreements with Chinese institutions.
Currently around 350 Chinese students are studying in Ghent.

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