Birthday and New Year’s Eve party

Yeah, people like to rub it in that I had again a birthday. So, we had (one more) big lamb dinner at home, mostly with Chinese friends.
Then, we all went to “my” karaoke, after warning the owner Michael of a possible invasion. We ended up basically taking over the place that is in Soho Shangdu (secret location, hahaha, you need to ask me!), next to The Place. It’s actually a Japanese style KTV, one big room where all sit and sing. Big fun, as you often make new friends. Not like those Chinese KTV where all are locked up in private rooms (only good if you are up to no good?). And there are many English songs.
The girls in the karaoke are all very nice (they get rewarded by my decent neck massage, they wait in line for it).
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We had a lot of fun, our friends from Inner Mongolia had a good time, sang a lot and so did many of us (yeah, me included). Thanks to Renaat Morel and Wilfried we had a nice ice cake, more champagne, plus a cake from Michael.
The star of the night was Wilfried who played his guitar (and made us dance).
I had also brought champagne. If the pictures are a bit blurry, it’s not because we drank too much…. we SMOKED too much.
Thanks to all for sharing this (thinking about Rens and his wife!) plus all the girls.
The lamb dinner was the second one… We had another on 26 December with our friends from Israel (and others). Again the action was in the kitchen.

For me it was – “December, the cutting month”.

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