“Da Vinci Code” broken in China

The people in charge here are really funny.
The film took off as a success (I did not see it, I’ll wait for a good, full version DVD at 10 kuai). The movie was expected to beat ticket sales of “Titanic”. And then – poof. Gone, just like the Titanic. Well, you see, we need to have more domestic movies in the cinemas (evidently not the ones that get international awards, they are not good for your morals). Of course, the powerful Chinese Patriotic Catholic Church (or something like that) did not like the movie. As we all know the country is now following in the conservative footsteps of the USA and the Church prevails here. No gay marriage, no abortions, etc. Of course you guys don’t know this because you read the malignant foreign press. Wait a bit and we have even neocons here. We sure don’t want “social instability” because of this blasphemous movie.
Of course the brisk ticket sales were only halted once the movie distributor had made its intended minimum profit – because of “declining ticket sales” according to some official sources.
Of course I don’t know what others know or possibly don’t know, but I know I will never really know all I have to know. That’s what Rumsfeld would say, I guess.

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