The working groups of the EUCCC in Beijing

The EUCCC (European Chamber of Commerce in China) is becoming stronger by the day. With 830 member companies totally in China and 28 Working Groups in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing the Chamber has become an entity respected by the Chinese authorities.
Their website:
I am myself deeply involved as Chairperson of the Public Procurement Working Group, a Group set up earlier last year. It gives me quite a lot of work, especially in the past weeks as the EU has paid a lot of attention to Government Procurement – a theme handled by our working Group. But I could never achieve the results without the valuable assistance of the “business managers”. Their role is important – they help set up the meetings, the agenda, write the minutes of meeting, liaison with the EU Delegation (EU Embassy as we call it…) in Beijing and actively help to write the yearly Position Paper. For me, they also motivate and encourage our work. Reason why the Groups are so active and receive the attention from both the EU Delegation in Beijing and the EU in Brussels.

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Delphine and Gilbert in the Chamber’s office

So it was a bit of a sad day during our last meeting of 8 June – to say farewell to Delphine Salaün, our business manager, who has given me such fantastic help – and always with a smile. We all wish her the best in her next destination – Denmark.
Her successor has been named and we are sure she will manage as well – welcome Maria Morell!

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