If you don’t agree, you are the enemy of “god” (whatever that means, small caps by purpose) and should be shot.
Sad case Iran right now. A worse bunch of medieval, crazy and retarded regime (except DPRK) is difficult to imagine. Iranians I’ve met (obviously outside of their country) are nice people. Wish they make their big bomb, screw it up and implode themselves. Oh well, I am not serious actually. Would be unjust for all the nice people over there, especially the women (of course they don’t count, they are just inferior beings).
- Chapate – IHT 17Jun09
- Clement – IHT 23Apr09
some representative cartoons from the IHT
Normally I am not a big fan of Qadaffi, but earlier this month in Rome he said: “We need a feminist revolution. In the Arab-speaking Middle East, a woman is like a piece of furniture that one can change whenever one wants without anyone asking why”.
Of course, the turmoil in Iran is all the fault of the western media and satanic USA. Oh yeah? So, why are they so afraid to show what happens?
Damn Twitter, Facebook and the whole Internet. Bloody dangerous, all the fault of the USA (again)! Maybe better to shut it all down.
The goons over here are watching and learning, for sure.
For some countries, DPRK is the dream: one radio channel, one TV channel, one newspaper. Rest is banned.
Sure good for business and “creativity”.