Hollywood: a bad image for the USA

We appeal to Hollywood to follow the good example of China. Films should reflect on the positive sides of the country. Hollywood movies show too improper aspects of the USA: high criminality, gun fights, slow or corrupt police, dirty streets with rusting cars, graffiti, laundry drying on balconies, people playing cards on the streets, violent scenes, so many ugly things. Hollywood should promote abroad the image of the USA. Why not show only modern buildings, clean neighborhoods (Desperate Housewives and their famous Wisteria Lane is a positive example, as long as they don’t burn down their houses), friendly and fast-reacting police forces and all the nice things in “Mei Guo” (Beautiful Country = USA in Chinese).
We here are much more advanced. China cares about its image.
So, Mr. Tom Cruise, we don’t accept your version of Shanghai. Here we don’t have violent scenes and nobody plays mahjong on the street (I refer to China Daily), let not even think about drying clothes outside. We have laundry drying machines for that (OK, sometimes they don’t work because of the lack of energy in summer, but that’s exceptional).
Of course I am waiting for somebody to get me the 10 kuai unedited version of Mission Impossible III, not the sanitized version – I have been told by a friend the story seems to jump at times and she did not understand what was going on. Also, I want to see this mahjong stuff. What is it actually? Maybe they play it in the USA?
Not to wonder why we can buy all those pirated DVDs here: anti-US propaganda?
Now back to our CCTV series on kungfu and epic battles. Peaceful at least.

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