Finally, Americans voters have decided.
The campaign was marked by smear tactics but the for the slimiest attacks the Republicans by far won the competition, driven by desperation. Baseless accusations and lies of the worst kind but voters were not fooled this time.
What a relief. Sarah Six-pack can go back moose hunting. Could you imagine her as president of the most important country in the world? Suddenly I started liking Hillary more.
Senator McCain disappointed with his campaign but at least closed the race with grace and dignity, commanding again the respect he deserves all together, despite his mistakes.
Voters finally made an intelligent choice, one was starting to doubt they ever could. Eight years of Bush was really enough, now the great majority of Americans agree it was the one of the worst presidencies ever. Bush failed to buy the book “Presidencies for Dummies” and instead surrounded himself with some sinister aides, the worst by far being Dick Cheney. Scary guy, he could go into acting, I suggest a role in a Nazi movie. Anyway soon most people will try to forget them all.
The voting was marked by malfunctioning machines, long waiting lines. I call it the “Queuing Country”. Maybe that explains why Olympic ticket sales in Beijing were so chaotic as it was done with the “help” of a U.S. company?! Silicon Valley needs to do something about that.
cartoons from the IHT dated 20 and 25 September 2008
Now it’s up to Barack Obama. He has the enormous challenge to clean up the destruction left by Bush Inc. and the limitless greed of Wall Street. Our Chinese bureaucrats are amateurs compared to the crooks who enriched themselves. In China we call that corruption or crime. Thanks in part to Greenspan, the fake guru who now seems “surprised” by the excesses. There is a difference between free markets and criminal greed. In my eyes all those so-called financial and economic “experts” are as clueless as our Alaska Hockey Mom. At least she has an excuse.
The “experts” were just excellent in “robbing the bank” and Main Street, bombarding us with financial geek talk. At least people like Warren Buffet saw through their schemes. To say they wanted to teach Chinese how to run financial markets. Now they better learn from China instead.
Obama looks like a welcome change and an intelligent guy. But it will be tough. What most of us look forward to is that the USA will again assume the role as the respected leader of the free world.
Let’s just hope he will abandon his baseless rhetoric against “China’s currency manipulation”. Sometimes I’d wish China would give in and revalue its currency by 30%. Only then USA and Western Europe would realize their error. It would be tough for China but it could come out as the new and real economic power. No more Chinese financial to the developed countries (sounds real weird but…). No more cheap microwave ovens. Instead, airplanes, cars, high-tech electronics and more.
As they say, careful what you wish for.