2014: China at the crossroads: the latest Newsletter

I have started a regular newsletter, in principle monthly, focusing on China’s economy, environment, business and any topic that merits a closer look.
The first edition looked into the Chinese real estate market, to give an overall view on what real estate companies, news media and economists are talking about. Certainly a hot topic, as hot as the Beijing weather. If you did not receive it, see here:
Snapshot China – Newsletter No. 2 looks into the many challenges China is facing in 2014 and how the government under the leadership of President Xi Jinping is expected to cope with it all.
Working with China since late 1980 I have lived through many ups and downs. There were times we thought the future looked bleak, the least to say. Three decades later, the country has witnessed a unique progress, transforming a grim Stalinist-looking country into a world power.
Today the country is at the crossroads facing the most serious challenges since its opening up in the late seventies. Its leaders confirm our worries by admitting the situation is indeed critical.
It is easy to be a pessimist today.
My intent is to give a quick overview on the complexities when trying to understand China’s challenges. For some foreign observers, “China should do this or that and all will be well.”
If it were that simple.
Overall, I admit to be worried but I still remain more on the side of the optimists.
You can download the complete report here: China2014.pdf
Prof. Gilbert Van Kerckhove
Author of “Toxic Capitalism”
Twitter: @bjprc