How to write Chinese on MAC OS 10.4.8

In my quest to improve my lousy Chinese I started to learn how to type Chinese on the MAC. After some frustrations I am now making progress.
See here a screenshot of the excel spreadsheet I use to list and learn words.

click to enlarge

The first column is English, the second one is using BiaoyinTXT and the third one is using ITABC (simplified Chinese input). For each column I switch to the right keyboard set.
– Google to find the free software that allows you to write pinyin (simplified Chinese) with the tones or go straight to the link:
– create in top level Library the folder “Input Method Plug-ins”
– after setting to ITABC select Generate IM plug-in and use the source document provided with the software
– put the generated file in the new folder
– restart (or logout and login)
To enter Chinese characters the easiest way is to type the complete word, e.g.: bing’qi’lin (ice cream) and press space. Most of the time the correct word appears or a few choices – easier than typing characters one by one.
For a beginner like me, hardest is to be able to distinguish the Chinese characters and the pinyin tones – the characters are all so small in the dictionaries one needs a magnifying glass to figure out all those strokes as to find back the right Chinese character…
The ITABC also provides shortcuts to type in common words such as Zhongguo.
Long way to go but one has to start somewhere…
Excellent tips and explanations can be found here:
I am also going to try the recommended WENLIN software (, I already downloaded the demo. First I will explore: it is rather expensive (about US$ 200).

International Internet in China is DOWN – update 3 Jan 07

Most basic services are restored, our e-mail system is running smoothly on our USA server. On the other hand many foreign websites are still either down (like MSN and a host of others) or difficult to reach (one being Yahoo). Large downloads are difficult or just impossible. Mainland China as well as Hong Kong still expect full return to normal to take a couple of weeks. Repair ships are in place near Taiwan but the earthquake has severely damaged 6 submarine cables; maybe one can be repaired in the near future.
So, e-mail in general will still be a bit unreliable, except for our own system. We will not be able to visit certain websites however.

click to enlarge cartoon SCMP – horror! No Internet!

28 December 2006
Due to an earthquake near Taiwan most submarine cables used for international Internet access have been damaged. Mainland China (as well as Hong Kong) is cut off.
As a result, this blog will not be updated in the next days; e-mail and everything else will STOP WORKING UNTIL SERVICE IS RESTORED. In case of urgency, please call or fax us! It seems phone lines and mobile are still working but problems here are possible.
(Gilbert from the USA)

Browser hijack is back again…

After some weeks of trouble free Internet, we again occasionally experience hijacking. You want to go to a certain website and you land in a totally different one. I checked with others and they also had the same experience. As we learned, the problem is not in our computers, would be hackers attacking China Netcom Internet system. We called China Netcom, our Internet local provider and as expected they claimed to be totally unaware. Of course, how could they admit hackers are more astute and Netcom is vulnerable? In China there is something called “lose face”…
See earlier posts for more details.

Browser hijack, spam and e-mail problems – update

China Netcom: finally real progress
In Beijing China Netcom has gone through some serious improvements in its Internet network.
I waited about two weeks to sum up the verdicts to be on the safe side.
The browser hijack did not return so that would clearly indicate the infection was in the network and not in our PC and Mac. That’s at least a big relief.
E-mail download difficulties have basically disappeared too, though in the last week of September the Amcham-Sinofile mails got stuck again in the filter, for no apparent reason. The filter is getting smarter and seems to even filter web-based mails sent to other web-based e-mail addresses. Using the magic backdoor solved (and confirmed) the problem. Subsequent mails went through without any glitch. Weird. Some of the routers might still need some tuning. Our CISCO friends plead ignorance and allege the Chinese are the ones “using” the equipment. Oh well.
Speeds have really picked up. I notice downloads now often go at far over 120KB/s which is here a luxury.
Spam at the China Netcom addresses (“public” e-mail addresses) remains down at 10% levels. Real relief.
Internet security: being paranoid is recommended
Internet security becomes really scary and few people seem to realize the extent of the threat:
– a hacker paralyzed the domain name provider Xinnet (the no. 2 in China), causing the collapse of 600,000 Chinese websites including Shanghai Daily
– botnets: a partial quote from 26 September, SCMP:
Networks of compromised personal computers, called botnets, are becoming entrenched in China’s broadband internet infrastructure, affecting about one in five desktop systems in the country and threatening the security of the government, the financial services sector and other industries, according to a report.
Botnets are remotely controlled by hackers and criminal organisations to perform targeted denial-of-service attacks, spread viruses or mass-mailing worms, send spam and perform phishing scams.
These have also been employed to abuse online advertising programs, install keylogging software to steal usernames and passwords, and sniff data traffic to harvest other confidential information.
Anti-virus software vendor Symantec’s 10th Internet Security Threat Report, released today, said China had the largest number of “zombie” machines – about 20% of the worldwide total of 4.7 million – monitored in the first six months of this year.
China became the second-highest source, after the United States, of internet attacks across Asia and the rest of the world during the period. It accounted for 10% of the attacking internet protocol addresses tracked globally by Symantec.
Beijing was the city with the largest number of active bot computers, accounting for almost 3% worldwide in the first half. Other cities in Greater China ranked in the top 10 most bot-infested sites included Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Taipei.
Attackers use automated techniques to scan specific network ranges and identify vulnerable systems, such as a machine running pirated software with no security patches, to install their bot program. The infected machine then responds to commands, usually via an internet relay chat channel, from so-called “bot herders”- computers tasked to lead and co-ordinate attacks.
Symantec found bot programs made up 22% of the volume of the top 50 malicious codes reported in the first half, compared with 20% in the second half of last year.
Amid its plague of zombie computers, China has only the fourth-highest number of known bot command-and-control servers, Symantec said. The US has the largest number, with 42% of the world’s bot herders.
In the first half, China remained the world’s second-most common country of origin for spam – the junk or unsolicited e-mail that has now become a delivery system of bot herders for phishing attempts, viruses and other malicious programs – accounting for 13% of all spam worldwide, behind the US with 58%.
– SPAM: not enough is done
For me they should treat those hackers and spammers as criminals. Maybe in China they can simply shoot them. Just look at how damage they do and how ineffective the clampdown is. To find those spammers should not be that difficult. They even promote their services, I regularly get their proposals. Some of them are well known.
China fined a known spammer for the first time, a Shenzhen company – US$625, not exactly a killer. At least regulations came out and it is a beginning. Estimates: Chinese netizens receive 50 billion junk mails in a year. The Internet Society of china is to train 1,000 mail service administrators starting in September to fight against spam, according to China Daily on 22 August.
Australia is leading the way and is investigating an Australian accused of sending more than 2 billion mails promoting Viagra in one year, renting 35 servers in the Netherlands, whose authorities are cooperating. According to Australian law, Australians can be prosecuted even if they use servers based outside of the country. Now, that’s a good start. When will the USA and Europe follow?

Browser hijack: the sequel

After trying out everything, I got a nice tip from Australia: a discussion group on Apple’s website. I am not the only one to have the problem – it also happened in North America. In short, it seems very likely it is our local Chinese ISP who has problem, their servers could have the malicious software, explaining why we could not find anything in both the MAC and the PC connected through our router to the same ADSL line. Indeed, a PC on the same network got exactly the same problem. Deleting cookies, history, cache and all did not help.
The hijack occurs with all browsers.
The problem still comes back – occasionally. When activating tor the hijacking is disabled instantaneously – no need even to restart Firefox. Seems very much to prove the problem is with the ISP.
Interesting to note, today the ISP ( announced they will do a serious “overhaul” to stem the flood of spam. Maybe they don’t want to mention the hacker’s success?