As time management is important we organized brief stories to save you time in recovering from the 2008 hangover.
# 1
Husband climbs on the bed naked.
Wife: I have a headache.
Husband: Good! I have powdered it with aspirin.
U want to take it orally or as an injection.
# 2
Three fastest means of communication:
1. Telephone
2. Television
3. Tell-a-woman
# 3
Naked girl boarded a taxi. Driver stared.
Girl scolded him, “Never seen a naked girl before?
Driver replied “Yes! Seen many before but wondering where you keep your money to pay taxi fare.”
(Unfortunately, unlikely to happen in Beijing)
# 4
A man called his 4th wife – Baby doll,
3rd wife – China doll,
2nd wife – Barbie doll &
1st wife – Guess What?
– Panadol
# 5
Man admiring his naked body in the mirror says to wife: “Look at that 75 kg of pure dynamite”.
Wife replies: “It is a shame though about the 4 cm fuse”.
(the blog declines any accusation this is connected to Chinese anatomy)
# 6
Friends are like underwear, always near you.
Good friends are like condoms, always protecting you. (available in all entertainment outlets in Beijing, it is said)
Best friends are like Viagra, lift you up when you are down.
# 7
Man tell Pastor:
My son’s a drug addict, my daughter’s a prostitute, and my wife’s a gambler.
Pastor: Isn’t there anything positive in your family?
Man: Yes, I am HIV positive.
# 8
What is common between a wife and a private swimming pool??
Answer: The cost of maintenance is too high compared to the time you spend inside them!!!
(Do note that in the case of Baby doll, China doll and Barbie doll costs can even run higher)