Election in Iran: “healthiest” ever

If you don’t agree, you are the enemy of “god” (whatever that means, small caps by purpose) and should be shot.
Sad case Iran right now. A worse bunch of medieval, crazy and retarded regime (except DPRK) is difficult to imagine. Iranians I’ve met (obviously outside of their country) are nice people. Wish they make their big bomb, screw it up and implode themselves. Oh well, I am not serious actually. Would be unjust for all the nice people over there, especially the women (of course they don’t count, they are just inferior beings).

some representative cartoons from the IHT

Normally I am not a big fan of Qadaffi, but earlier this month in Rome he said: “We need a feminist revolution. In the Arab-speaking Middle East, a woman is like a piece of furniture that one can change whenever one wants without anyone asking why”.
Of course, the turmoil in Iran is all the fault of the western media and satanic USA. Oh yeah? So, why are they so afraid to show what happens?
Damn Twitter, Facebook and the whole Internet. Bloody dangerous, all the fault of the USA (again)! Maybe better to shut it all down.
The goons over here are watching and learning, for sure.
For some countries, DPRK is the dream: one radio channel, one TV channel, one newspaper. Rest is banned.
Sure good for business and “creativity”.

China Daily first victim of Green Dam!

Google condemned as search results point to China Daily website! Well, could be. Too much skin. See here one of those offending pics on their site (and in print – front page!).
Will be interesting to see if those Chinese “government” sites will be shut down too.
The pathetic Green Dam story continues with the authorities not giving in. Maybe the good thing about all that: it might for once make their own netizens mad enough to counterreact.
In its continuing clampdown on dissent, pornography or whatever the Party is afraid of, now this:
“Access to information about sex on the Internet will be further restricted under a new regulation by the Ministry of Health. Under the regulation, which will come into effect on July 1, websites that link to sex-related studies and research can be accessed only by health professionals and researchers.
Under the new regulation, the MOH will better manage and monitor health-related websites, which are already required to be approved and registered with health authorities, said an official surnamed Yang with MOH’s information office.”
Of course anything related to information for not-so-straight people, AIDS/HIV awareness etc. will suffer. Many Chinese are not amused.
In recent years China is clamping further down on the media. Many expats here still don’t get it. (“no no, they can’t stop it”). We all hoped that after The-2008-Great-Clean-Up it would calm down but…
Isn’t it funny that all “people’s paradises” (or whatever you like to call it) countries who are supposed to liberate the masses and fight against “exploitation” are the worst to restrict the media, to shut up all dissenting voices, to control and restrict as much as they can? Happens in the following countries:  AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, etc. (sorry, you have to fill in the names yourself). If it is all so nice and good in their country, what do they have to hide?

Foreigners Not So Welcome?

See here a rather disturbing story. The (real) security people, busy with looking at the Internet, are usually too late. It would be extremely sad for China if this trend continues. Personally I encountered little of this, but I did see very unpleasant attitudes from two types of Chinese people: private security people (thugs) working at buildings and night clubs, and the hateful “new rich youth” driving around in expensive cars and spending money like crazy.
I wonder if China Daily would dare to talk about this, of course NOT. Now just wait for a Chinese to be beaten up like that in New York. Wait, better even: Chinese guy gets beaten up by 3 foreigners in Sanlitun. Millions of angry netextremists would jump on it, demonstrations, attack on embassies.
Read the full story:
Ernie’s blog 16 June 09
He had no clue he was in danger when the beer bottle smashed into his face. He had been about to step into another cab ride home after another night’s drinking at Sanlitun, Beijing’s infamous bar street. No posturing, no threats, no gut-wrenching realization he had a fight on his hands. Just the impact of cold hard glass.
As he went down, his assailant and two other Chinese men set to finishing the job. Kicks and punches, mostly kicks, to all the places raging instinct strikes for: head, ribs, and groin. It was late, not quite one in the morning, but on Sanlitun Street that still left a clutch of witnesses at hand. Not one, foreign or Chinese, interfered. Not until that tacit moment when the attackers had spent themselves, grave injury done, did another foreigner wade in to push them off.
But the victim’s night of horror was just beginning. Helped to a hospital, he learned in a delirium of pain that no medical treatment would be forthcoming until all proper papers and proof of payment had been verified. Eleven hours passed until doctors finally attended him and assessed the damage: a shattered cheekbone, nose broken in two places, a welter of assorted fractures and contusions. He came to after surgery with two steel plates holding his head together.
The police are never far off at Sanlitun; they know better. And the assailants, compromised by a lack of planning, were soon rounded up. Before being hauled off to jail, they were asked what had prompted such a brutal assault. After all, they hadn’t taken any money. “No reason.”
Once out of the hospital, he dutifully filed a report at his embassy, to learn that he was the fourth of his countrymen to make such a claim in the last week. But by no means is this a matter of Germans being singled out. The diversity of victims, and the spike in violent assaults over roughly the past year, bear the marks of unreasoning, unspecific anti-foreign backlash.

China Daily: “Outraged”

I thought I was being blunt about that Green Dam f### up. Now guess what, China Daily is using the term” outraged” in one of its articles.
Again sad is that it seems the goons are steaming ahead with their pathetic initiative.
Looks all so familiar what is happening in Iran right now. The goons must be worried sick over here.
Read the full story (see here some of the pics):
19 June 2009 – Dam this Net Nanny
By Raymond Zhou (China Daily)

An excerpt:
I don’t see anything green in Green Dam. Instead I’ve noticed gobs of red and black.
The filtering software, which the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology wants installed in every computer sold in the country starting from July 1, is supposed to cleanse the Internet of unhealthy content. But the most possible effect is, it’s going to make every Chinese netizen look like an idiot – or an adult with the IQ of an 8-year-old.

Pig Flu Alert in our Beijing Office!

In light of recent events, you are hereby encouraged to be more vigilant and take extra precautions against contracting colds and flu. Please find attached a picture of a member of staff who has contracted what doctors confirm to be swine flu. The identity of the employee is being withheld until his next of kin are informed.
The Health Committee

Our poor affected employee

Our poor affected employee