Some might be surprised I never mention Shanghai Expo 2010. The reason is simple: zero interest. Why would I go to Shanghai, with all the difficulties to book a flight, book a hotel and arrive at the Expo – to do WHAT? No thanks, I don’t want to stay in line for 8 hours to visit an Arab pavilion or whatever other building. Same for the Chinese pavilion. I am in China, why do I need to stand in line there to see little or nothing? Better visit one more museum in Beijing. I think the Expo is good for the Chinese who know little of the outside world. So I did wish the expo all the best in the May edition of “Contemporary China Pictorial”, along with Serge Abou and others. See here:
The last and only World Expo I ever went to was Brussels 1958. I still have fond memories though I remember little of the details. It was fun to walk around and discover.
But Shanghai is no fun, endless standing in line, hot, humid, facing a crowd that is not exactly a civilized one.
I also question all those grandiose events countries (Belgium being one) organize in their pavilion. Sounds all great to hold a seminar on the environment (or whatever). Who attends? I would expect little or no return of investment, except for some nice pictures to impress at home. Imagine all the hassle to get any invited parties over there (and on time).
My wife went there once, to organize a light-speed visit for Oleg Deripaska (more about him another time). She left Beijing in the morning and was back in the evening. They managed to visit the China Pavilion (Sun knows how to open doors…). Hilariously enough poor Oleg was ordered to stand in line for the Russian one and went away pretty unhappy. Instead they went to … the North Korean one, which was fun or even hilarious.
I just count the days the whole hoopla will be over and life gets back to normal. And no, I don’t want that condom doll in my office, in whatever outfit.
Sorry, should I say Gumby? But if I could get a cute Smurf… I would be so happy. In any color or outfit!