UWEE and Guangming Magazine

About Guangming Daily

The Guangming Daily (Guangming Ribao) is the official newspaper for China’s intellectuals who focus on science, education and culture. Launched in June 1949, the paper has its roots in a free-thinking and critically oriented tradition. It was originally the paper of the China Democratic League and in 1953 represented the eight minority ‘democratic’ parties in China.

In the 1980s, a period of flourishing intellectual debate, the Guangming Ribao became a mouthpiece for the interests of intellectuals, focusing editorials on their political status and working and living conditions. In 1994, the paper became a central Party organ under the direct supervision of the Central Party Propaganda Committee. In the early 2000s, the paper is still read widely in intellectual and academic circles, but has had some difficulty redefining its position in China’s new commercially oriented newspaper market. It relies heavily upon obligatory subscriptions from Party and state work units such as schools, universities, and publishing and cultural organizations.
(By Kevin Latham)

Guangming Online (English): http://en.gmw.cn/

Guangming Studying Abroad Magazine

The magazine, also referred to as Guangming Educator, Guangming Daily Young Journalist and other. It looks at topics related to studying abroad and related, including reporting on foreign universities. It is also involved in training young journalists, often in cooperation with local Chinese governments.

One of the issues of the magazine

Website Guangming Studying Abroad Magazine (Chinese only): http://liuxue.gmw.cn/

UWEE and Guangming Magazine sign agreement

Guangming Daily Young Journalist & Union of Western and Eastern Education Strategic Cooperation held a meeting on 14 October 2019 that also included the signing ceremony between the two parties. Were also present, several members of the Foreign Specialist team and others, including Sydney Parmenter, Mary Ho, Sun Bin, Gilbert Van Kerckhove, and Maurice.
See here the web report by UWEE in PDF, it also has the link to the original text:

191014 UWEE

The agreement covers cooperation to connect with universities worldwide.

New appointments

Recently the following specialists were appointed as members of the Foreign Expert Committee under SAFEA, China International Talent Exchange Foundation:

  • Fady Fadel, Ph.D. (Dean, The American Business School of Paris)
  • Renaat Morel (Morel’s Restaurant, Beijing)
  • Daniel Albrecht (lawyer)
  • Sydney Parmenter
  • Mary Ho


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